We are humbled by the early interest in our brewery. The support has been incredible.
We are honored to work alongside our friends at Go Brewing In Naperville, IL as we begin this new adventure. We are fortunate for the opportunity to brew in their world-class facility, and share our beers as the resident guest brewer in their taproom.

For all involved, this downshift into Blind Corner is driven by a desire for redirection. Working at a brewery constantly blurs the line between personal and professional life. We give every ounce of ourselves to provide the highest level of product quality, and customer service and experience. That will always remain True North.

As we cut this new path, our most noble ambition is a more modern plan for brewery operations, with equitable support systems that afford everyone the same opportunity for success, and healthy work-life harmony. We crave an authentic connection to our local friends and neighbors, with sincere effort to giveback and lead progress. So please come visit the taproom. We look forward to seeing you soon.